Monday 3 March 2014

Lok Sabha Election

Be a trouble to Congress before the election survey are visible formed. so far showed the BJP ahead in the survey included. CSDS in the BJP's latest survey showed ahead of Congress. the survey in Maharashtra Congress-NIP Coalition does the BJP-Shiv Sena Alliance was heavy on. There the same survey in Delhi, the BJP and Congress, bypassing direct collision recently come into common guy non-existent party Shown in between.

In Delhi, the collision of these two parties is shown between the forks. According to the survey if there is elections in Delhi, the BJP would benefit survey believed the BJP poll 36 now you hope to meet phis-ad vote 35. that's where the third party is a mere 22-meet the phis ad vote.

In this survey of the present CSDS, the BJP not only shown in the Delhi Assembly elections but shown in the Lok Sabha elections in Delhi, in which seven seats; the BJP two to four, you also have two to four and to maximize the chances of getting two-seat Congress has been expressed if the common man of the survey party in the upcoming elections, the BJP and the Congress both games spoiled . Lodging in Delhi after his victory while his political ambitions remained a cause for concern for Congress-JP.

Some big important things in this survey of CSDS us according to this survey occurred last month in the BJP's vote share was recorded in six phi-sad increase. There you can vote the stock 13 per cent decline recorded in front of a certain thing on here come the rest of us that you are combining Arvind Kejrival resign from the post of Delhi CM since bash See sharp decrease in popularity. in the opinion of most people was the wrong decision to resign although Kejrival of Delhi's political circus is at the forefront in you.

Survey Kejrival not only are running ahead of Delhi but that Narendra Modi to bump. There are so many people who believed which MODI's place as the country's PM Arvind Kejrival. people also believe that their priority for Delhi but not Lok Sabha elections.