Wednesday, 7 December 2011

India Has More Corrupted

Fighting corruption in the Government of India and the hollow claims poll revealed Thursday when the list of corrupt countries, transparency international released the most corrupt countries told that India eight notch khiskakar. heading the list are ranked last year this time 95van 87ven India. location and that means he is corrupt. referring to the anti-corruption transparency International Ombudsman occurred between the List of India, international discredit the image because the Government is trying to give the message that the COR is committed to strictly of. the struggle against corruption this year in the case of India 10 points in the points only 3.1.2007 72ven. 5 points with India on corrupt countries by Transparency International was awaiting a a country PSU people how corrupt is and expert opinion about corruption in the country? India's fascination for image display and all associated countries the World Bank, WEF Executive all institutional and global national risk assessment study report and including 13 institutions on the basis of the survey has reports with 9.5 points. nyajilaind. Finland and Denmark in the first place, respectively second and third place according to the report.The fourth, fifth, Britain, Sweden, Singapore, China 75ven 16ven 24th, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan 134ven location 86ven 120ven, North Korea, Myanmar and Somalia is aphgastian unstable Governments and leading the country, which like the civil war are struggling with things like transparency international India in its recent report. the wrong map in the map presented to abstain, showing India's Kashmir slaves in Pakistan is shown.